獨立遊戲開發者分享會 240407

* English below *

時間:2024/04/07(日)1330 ─ 1800
地點:台北市長安東路一段 4 號 3 樓(祐生研究基金會會議室)

由於 24 年初的幾個月時間都不湊巧,所以連續跳過了兩個月的分享會舉辦,因此在 GDC 2024 結束當下,我們決定將 4 月份的分享會提早到 4/7 舉辦(五月後會恢復正常在月底舉辦),同樣會帶給與會者關於今年 GDC 的參訪見聞,並以實驗遊戲工作坊 Experimental Game Workshop (EGW),以及主打另類操作的特色展區「alt.ctrl.GDC」相關內容為主。雖然很多這類作品很難獲得商業上的成效或一般玩家的注意,但我們一直以來都希望透過介紹這些作品,能帶給大家更多不同觀點的想法,或許會對各位在遊戲概念發想與設計上有所幫助。

  1. 1330 ─ 1400:報到入場
  2. 1400 ─ 1500:GDC24 參訪概要;第 22 屆實驗遊戲工作坊(EGW)部分作品試玩介紹、alt.ctrl.GDC 作品介紹
  3. 1500 ─ 1530:休息時間
  4. 1530 ─ :自由交流、試玩遊戲


  1. 煩請欲參加的朋友們確實報名(同一團隊參與者也請各自報名),以利人數統計,感恩!
  2. 名片作品的朋友們,請不要忘記帶來跟大家交流哦!
  3. 靠牆邊的座位都有插座,不過不一定夠用,有需求的話還是建議自行準備排插或延長線與三轉二接頭。
  4. 主辦單位保留更變活動內容與接受報名與否之權利。

== English ==

Time: 1330 ─ 1800, Apr 7th, 2024 (Sun)
Addr: 3F, No.4, Sec.1, Chang'an East Rd., Taipei City
Transportation: 10 minutes walk from Exit 2, MRT Zhongshan Station (G14, R11)
Entry: Free
Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/igdshare

Due to unfortunate timing in the early months of 2024, we skipped IGDShare meetups for two consecutive months. Therefore, following the conclusion of GDC 2024, we've decided to schedule IGDShare in April earlier, on April 7th (and will return to our usual habit of hosting at the end of the month starting in May). This meetup will feature insights from this year's GDC, focusing on the Experimental Game Workshop (EGW) and the unique showcases highlighted in the "alt.ctrl.GDC" exhibition. Although many projects of this nature may not achieve commercial success or gain widespread attention from the player community, we have always tried to introduce these works to provide everyone with diverse perspectives that could be beneficial in conceptualizing and designing games.


  1. 1330 ─ 1400:Check-in
  2. 1400 ─ 1500:22nd Experimental Game Workshop and alt.ctrl.GDC 2024 impressions
  3. 1500 ─ 1530:Break time
  4. 1530 ─ :Free-form discussion, game tasting, show & tell

Other Notices

  1. Be sure to sign-up if you are to attend, so that we can have a better grasp of the number of participants.
  2. We encourage you to bring along your work and also don't forget your business cards if you have them.
  3. We have standard 110V power outlets in the room, but if you need specific setup please let us know beforehand.
  4. The organizer reserves the rights to change, modify, and adjust the proceedings of the event, and the right to refuse sign-ups at our own discretion. 


igdshare at igdshare dot org 或
jslin at igda dot tw

IGDA Taiwan:http://igda.tw


祐生研究基金會 / 台北市長安東路一段4號3樓

Event Tickets

Ticket Type Sale Period Price
免費入場 / Register (Free)

2024/03/23 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/04/07 13:30(+0800) End of Sale
  • Free
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