*English Below*
時間:2020/12/27(日) 1330 ─ 1800
地點:台北市長安東路一段 4 號 6 樓(祐生研究基金會會議室二)
注意:這次活動在同地點 6 樓
2020 終於過去了(?),這次特別以新空間準備場地上比較不受限、且用 Quest 無線遠端桌面方式讓大家體驗幾款今年的 VR 重點作品!當然還會準備一些其他同樂向作品,有自己的作品想推廣測試也十分歡迎帶來,需要使用投影機的話,可以在報名表中註明想要分享的作品或內容~
- 1330 ─ 1400 報到入場
- 1400 ─ 1800 已知遊戲主要分幾區:
1) Switch 及其他 PC 上適合現場同樂的作品
2) PC VR + Quest 無線體驗試玩:
- Half-Life Alyx
- Star Wars: Squadrons
- 微軟模擬飛行(12 月 22 日預定推出 VR 更新)
3) 自備作品區:自行攜帶想推廣的作品或自製遊戲來給大家試玩 - 場地預定於 1800 撤收
- 煩請欲參加的朋友們確實報名(同一團隊參與者也請各自報名),以利人數統計,感恩!
- 有名片或作品的朋友們,請不要忘記帶來跟大家交流哦!
- 靠牆邊的座位都有插座,不過不一定夠用,有需求的話還是建議自行準備排插或延長線。
- 主辦單位保留更變活動內容與接受報名與否之權利。
== English ==
Time: 1330 ─ 1800, Dec 27nd, 2020 (Sun)
Addr: 6F, No.4, Sec.1, Chang'an East Rd., Taipei City
Transportation: 10 minutes walk from Exit 2, MRT Zhongshan Station (G14, R11)
Entry: Free
Stream: (due to the nature of this month's gathering, we are not streaming)
NOTICE:We are using a meeting space on 6F instead!
2020 finally comes to an end! Let's celebrate and enjoy the time with fellow developers with all kinds video games. We will be showcasing a couple AAA PC VR titles in 2020 via wireless Oculus Quest setup! And there will also be a PC/Console corner for local multiplayer games. Most importantly, if you've made your own games, bring them!
- 1330 ─ 1400:Check-in
- 1400 ─ 1800:The room would be roughly divided into 3 topics:
1) Local multiplayer PC and Console games.
2) PC VR titles in 2020 with wireless Quest setup:
- Half-Life: Alyx
- Star Wars: Squadrons
- Microsoft Flight Simulator (which will receive VR update right on Dec. 22nd!)
3) Bring your own games: either games you particularly want to share with others, or promoting your own title! - 1800 ─:Wrap-up
Other Notices
- Be sure to sign-up if you are to attend, so that we can have a better grasp of the number of participants.
- We encourage you to bring along your work and also don't forget your business cards if you have them.
- We have standard 110V power outlets in the room, but if you need specific setup please let us know beforehand.
- The organizer reserves the rights to change, modify, and adjust the proceedings of the event, and the right to refuse sign-ups at our own discretion.
igdshare at igdshare dot org 或
jslin at igda dot tw
IGDA Taiwan:http://igda.tw